Crossbite Treatments

Crossbite corrected with palatal expansion in 6 months. Actual patient of Dr. Viechnicki.
A Crossbite is when the back teeth bite inside out.
Instead of the top teeth fitting over the bottom like it should (like a lid on a shoebox), the back teeth crisscross from their natural positions.
Crossbites are associated with lower jaw asymmetry and are a risk factor for future TMJ problems.
Crossbites are caused by:
- Small upper jaw
- Large lower jaw
- Top teeth tilted inward
- Bottom teeth tilted outward
Treatment options includeincreasing the width of the top jaw and tipping the teeth outward.
Palatal Expander
- Increases width of top jaw
- Additional appliance
- Activated at home
- Requires jaw surgery in ages 13+
W-Arch or Quad Helix
- Increases width of top teeth
- Activated in office
- Additional appliance
- Only tips teeth
- Does not correct underlying jaws
Rubber Bands
- Removable
- High cooperation needed
- Only tips teeth
- Does not correct underlying jaws